Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Fun Monday

Monday was full of great tools to use to get students involved and excited about reading. We created a book trailer using PhotoStory - kids would love this! (I sent it to the wrong page on my wiki but I think I can fix that.) We commented on a series of images in VoiceThread - it was fascinating to hear other people's comments. This is one way in which the web can create a feeling of community. Speaking of which, I'm still running over that YouTube video of the middle school kids flashdancing in my mind - that was an example of community at its best, and all around the idea of reading! Those kids will forever be joined by that experience.
Back to Monday. Glogster wasn't cooperating so we went to Plan B and used wix.com instead. With Karen's help, I actually got it to work! So I left class Monday much more optimistic that yes, I can and will become fluent in web2.0. But it's going to take practice...